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Profesor de psicología y comportamiento organizacional. Me dedico a estudiar el origen y los efectos de las emociones en las organizaciones, junto con la creatividad y la innovación en el trabajo. Además, a través de mis cursos, trabajo con mis estudiantes en la adquisición de conocimientos para facilitar un alto bienestar psicológico y desempeño en sus organizaciones. 


Héctor Madrid, PhD

Profesor de Psicología y Comportamiento Organizacional



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Escuela de Negocios

Profesor de Comportamiento Organizacional 


Center for Emotional Intelligence

Profesor Visitante



PhD in Work and Organizational Psychology


Licenciatura en Psicología


Aquí estudiamos los fundamentos del desempeño laboral y la motivación en las organizaciones. El eje central del curso está dado por las emociones que emergen del diseño del trabajo y que se relacionan con la motivación y la conducta laboral.


Aquí estudiamos los fundamentos de los equipos de alto desempeño en relación a sus bases cognitivas, afectivas e interpersonales. Además, estudiamos las estrategias de liderazgo que facilitan el trabajo en equipo efectivo.


Aquí estudiamos la conducta creativa e innovadora que ocurre en las organizaciones. Además, abordamos los principios del diseño del trabajo que hacen posible la creatividad y la innovación en el trabajo


En nuestro laboratorio de investigación realizamos estudios acerca de las influencias que tienen las emociones en el desempeño y el bienestar laboral, con foco en la creatividad y la innovación. Dos son nuestras líneas de investigación:


La presencia afectiva es la tendencia de una persona a provocar emociones entre sus compañeros de interacción, tales como el entusiasmo o el nerviosismo. Nuestros estudios se focalizan en comprender y describir el origen y las consecuencias de la presencia afectiva de los líderes en sus equipos de trabajo.


La regulación emocional son las conductas que realizamos para manejar o cambiar los nuestros estados de ánimo, por ejemplo, para sentirnos más entusiasmados y tranquilos, o menos ansiosos y deprimidos. Nuestras investigaciones estudian la influencia de la regulación emocional en la creatividad y la innovación.


Nuestras investigaciones se han publicado en las más prestigiosas revistas científicas a nivel internacional acerca de la psicología y el comportamiento organizacional, tales como el Journal of Applied Psychology, el Academy of Management Journal, el Journal of Organizational Behavior y el Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Journal.

Presencia Afectiva:
  • Madrid, H. P., Vasquez. C. A. & Escaffi, M. (2024). Leader affective presence, psychological safety, and team proactive problem prevention. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.

  • Madrid, H. P. (2020). Leader affective presence and feedback in teams. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00705

  • Madrid, H., Totterdell, P., Niven, K., & Vasquez, C. (2018). Investigating a process model for leader affective presence, interpersonal emotion regulation, and interpersonal behaviour in teams. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. doi: 10.1080/1359432X.2018.1505719

  • Madrid, H. P., Totterdell, P., Niven, K., & Barros, E. (2016). Leader affective presence and innovation in teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(5), 673-686. doi: 10.1037/apl0000078

  • Madrid, H. P., Totterdell, P., & Niven, K. (2016). Does leader-affective presence influence communication of creative ideas within work teams? Emotion, 16(6), 798-802. doi: 10.1037/emo0000183

Emoción y Regulación Emocional:

  • Vasquez, C. A., Madrid, H. P., & Niven, K. (2021). Leader interpersonal emotion regulation motives, group leader–member exchange, and leader effectiveness in work groups. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(9), 1168-1185.

  • Madrid H.P., Barros E., & Vasquez C.A. (2020) The emotion regulation roots of job satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology,
    11. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.609933

  • Vasquez. C. A., Niven, K., & Madrid, H. P. (2020). Leader interpersonal emotion regulation and follower performance. Journal of Personnel Psychology. 19(2), 97–101

  • Madrid, H. P. (2020). Emotion regulation, positive affect, and promotive voice behavior at work. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01739

  • Madrid, H. P., Niven, K. & Vasquez. C. A. (2019). Leader interpersonal emotion regulation and innovation in teams. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92(4), 787-805.

  • Madrid, H. P. & Patterson, M. (2014). Measuring affective states at work based on the valence and arousal circumplex model: Factorial cross-validation between English and Spanish of the Multi-Affect Indicator. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 17, e50, 1-12. doi: 10.1017/sjp.2014.54

Creatividad e Innovación:

  • Madrid, H. P. & Patterson, M. G. (2024). A valence and arousal circumplex examination of affect and creativity at work. Applied Psychology: An International Review.

  • Madrid, H. P. & Patterson, M. G. (2023). Affect and creativity in organizations: Taking stock and moving forward. In R. Reiter-Palmon, S. Hunter (Eds.), Handbook of Organizational Creativity. Interventions, and Macro Level Issues. Elsevier.

  • Madrid, H. P., Patterson, M. G. & Ibaceta, M. (2023). Affective states and creativity. In Z. Ivcevic, J. D. Hoffman & J. Kaufman (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Creativity and Emotion. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.

  • Madrid, H. P., Patterson, M. G. & Alday, R. (2023). Group Affect and Creativity. In Z. Ivcevic, J. D. Hoffman & J. Kaufman (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Creativity and Emotion. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.

  • Madrid, H. P. & Patterson, M. G. (2023). An examination of the relationship between idea generation versus idea implementation and subsequent self-efficacy and positive affect. Journal of Business and Psychology, 38, 529-537.

  • Madrid, H. P. & Patterson, M. G. (2023). Affect and proactivity in teams. In P. Zhengmin & C. Wu (Eds.), Emotion and proactivity at work: Prospects and dialogues. Bristol. Bristol University Press.

  • Baer, M.; Dane, E. & Madrid, H. (2021). Zoning out or breaking through? Linking daydreaming to creativity in the workplace. Academy of Management Journal. 64(5), 1553-1577. 

  • Ibaceta, M. & Madrid, H. P. (2021). Personality and tune out mind-wandering: The role of meta-awareness. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:581129. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.581129

  • Madrid, H. P. & Patterson, M. (2019). How and for whom time control matter for innovation? The role of positive affect and problem-solving demands. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 69(1), 93-119

  • ​Madrid, H. P. & Patterson, M. G. (2019). Affect and creativity. In R. Reiter-Palmon & J. C. Kaufmann (Eds.), Individual creativity in the workplace. Elsevier.

  • Madrid, H. P. & Patterson, M. (2016). Creativity at work as a joint function between openness to experience, need for cognition and organizational fairness. Learning and Individual Differences. 51, 409-416. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2015.07.01

  • Madrid, H. P., Patterson, M. G. & Leiva P. I. (2015). Negative core affect and employee silence: How differences in activation, rumination and job complexity matter. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(6), 1887-1898. doi: 10.1037/a0039380

  • Madrid, H. P., Birdi, K., Patterson, M., Leiva, P. & Kausel, E. (2014). The role of weekly high-activated positive mood, context and personality in innovative work behavior: A multilevel and interactional model. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35, 234-256. doi: 10.1002/job.1867

  • Madrid, H. P. (2013). On innovation as an affect-driven work behaviour. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2762.3845. Advisors: Kamal Birdi, Malcolm Patterson, Examiners: Rob Briner and Carolyn Axtell

Otras  Colaboraciones:

  • Allen, J. A., Lehmann-Willenbrock, N., Landowski, N., Rogelberg, S. G., Lucianetti, L., Madrid, H. P. & Tong, J., & (2024). Late again? Corss-cultural comparison of meeting lateness frustration by punctual attendees. Cross-Cultural Research.

  • Allen, J. A., Lehmann-Willenbrock, N., Meinecke, A. L., Landowski, N., Rogelberg, S. G., Lucianetti, L., Tong, J., & Madrid, H. P. (2021). The ubiquity of meeting lateness! A cross-cultural investigation of the small to moderate effects of workplace meeting lateness. Cross-Cultural Research, 55(4), 351-381.

  • Madrid H. P., Vasquez C. A., & Patterson M. (2020) Measurement of the psychosocial work environment in Spanish: Validation of the psychosocial factors questionnaire 75 (PSF-Q75) to capture demands and resources at different levels of analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.580196

  • Madrid, H. P., Diaz, M. T., Leka, S., Leiva, P. I., Barros, E. (2018). A finer grained approach to psychological capital and work performance. Journal of Business and Psychology. doi: 10.1007/s10869-017-9503-z

  • Leiva, P. I.; Madrid, H. P. & Howes, S. S. (2018). Latin America and its context for research in the work-family interface. In K. M. Shockley; W. Shen; & R. Johnson (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Global Work-Family Interface. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • Barros, E., Kausel, E., Leiva, P., Madrid, H. P., Muñoz, G. J., Tagle, M. P., & Valenzuela, S. (2017). History of Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Chile. In S. G. Rogelberg (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  • Kausel, E., Culbertson S., S., Madrid, H. P. (2016) Overconfidence in personnel selection: When and why unstructured interview information can hurt hiring decisions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 137, 27-44. doi: 10.1016/j.obhdp.2016.07.005​


​Nuestras investigaciones se presentan regularmente en congresos y conferencias a nivel international: 

  • Madrid, H. & Vasquez, C. (2023). Leader interpersonal emotion regulation, psychological safety and proactivity in teams. 20th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). May 24th–27th, Katowice, Poland.

  • Madrid, H. & Ibaceta, M. (2023). Mind wandering and creativity at work. 20th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). May 24th–27th, Katowice, Poland.

  • Madrid, H., Vasquez, C. A. & Escaffi-Schwarz (2022). Leader affective presence, psychological safety and team proactive problem prevention. Work presented in the Thirteenth International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life (‘Emonet XIII’). June 27th-28th, Lancaster, United Kingdom. Awarded as the best conference paper.

  • Madrid, H. (2020). Team member interpersonal emotion regulation, team motivation and innovation. Work presented in the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August 7-11, Virtual Conference.

  • Madrid, H (2020). Leader affective presence and feedback in teams. 6th Biennial Institute of Work Psychology Conference on Work, Well-being & Performance. June 22th–26th, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

  • Madrid, H (2019). Team member Interpersonal emotion regulation and innovation. 19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). May 29th–June 20th, Turin, Italy.

  • Madrid, H. (2018). Leader interpersonal emotion regulation and voice in teams. Work presented in the 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August 10-14, Chicago, United States.

  • Madrid, H., Niven, K. & Vasquez, C. (2018). Leader interpersonal emotion regulation in teams. Eleventh International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life (‘Emonet XI’), Chicago, United States. Awarded as the best conference paper.

  • Madrid, H. & Patterson, M. (2018). A valence and arousal examination of affect and creativity at work. Eleventh International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life (‘Emonet XI’), Chicago, United States.

  • Madrid, H., Niven, K. & Vasquez, C. (2018). Leader interpersonal emotion regulation in teams. 5th Biennial Institute of Work Psychology Conference on Work, Well-being & Performance. June 19th–21th, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

  • Madrid, H. & Patterson. (2017). Reciprocal influences between positive affect and innovative work behavior. 18th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). May 17–20th, Dublin, Ireland.

  • Madrid, H. P. & Barros, E. (2016). A person-situation approach to self-efficacy, job demands and employee voice. 31th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). April 14-16, Anaheim, California, United States.

  • Madrid, H., Totterdell, P., Niven, K. & Barros, E. (2015). Leader affective presence and innovation in teams. Work presented in the 75rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August 7-11, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

  • Madrid, H., Totterdell, P. & Niven, K. (2015). Do leaders with negative affective presence silence novel ideas within work teams? Work presented in the 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). May 20–23th, Oslo, Norway.

  • Madrid, H., Patterson, M. & Leiva, P. (2014). Negative moods and silence: Rumination and complexity as boundary conditions. Work presented in the 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). May15-17, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States.

  • Madrid, H., Totterdell, P., Niven, K. & Barros, E. (2013). How leader affective presence relates to proactive behavior in teams. Work presented in the 73rd annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). August 9-13, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, United States.

  • Madrid, H. & Patterson, M. (2013). The dual-model of affect and innovative work behavior: How feelings interplay with job characteristics in generating, promoting and implementing novel ideas. Work presented in the 16th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). May 22–25th Münster, Germany.

  • Madrid, H., Birdi, K., Patterson, M., Leiva, P., Kausel, E. (2012). The power of momentary feelings and their dispositional correlates over innovative work behaviour. Work presented in the 3th Biennial Institute of Work Psychology Conference on Work, Well-being & Performance. June 26th–28th, Sheffield, United Kingdom. Awarded as the best conference paper.

  • Madrid, H., Birdi, K., Patterson, M., Leiva, P., Kausel, E. (2012). Innovative work behavior engagement: Testing a multilevel and interactional model. Work presented in the 8th International Conference on Emotions and Worklife (EMONET) Hanken School of Economics. July 2nd-3th, Helsinki, Finland.

  • Madrid, H. (2012). Engaging innovative work behavior: The role of job-related moods. Work presented in the Combined Sheffield Universities Doctoral Conference. May 22th–23th, Sheffield Management School, United Kingdom.

  • Madrid, H., Birdi, K. (2011). Job satisfaction as a joint function of support for innovation and organizational identification. Work presented in the 15th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). May 25–28th Maastricht, The Netherlands.

  • Madrid, H. (2011). Individual innovation and job-related psychological well-being in teams. Work presented in the Combined Sheffield Universities Doctoral Conference. April 19th–20th, Sheffield Management School, United Kingdom.

  • Madrid H. (2010). Team climate for innovation: A psychometric approach. Work presented in the Second EAWOP Early Career Conference for Advance Work and Organizational Psychology. September 11th–17th. Valencia, Spain.


  • Madrid, H. P. (2023). The affective experience and leadership in teams. Keynote speaking, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Business School, Chile.

  • Madrid, H. P. (2023). Leader affective presence in teams. Seminar at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile.

  • Madrid, H. P. (2023). Leader Affective presence and team affective tone: An application to team promotive voice behavior. Seminar at the Universidad de Chile, Faculty of Economics and Business.

  • Madrid, H. P. (2023). Research on affect in organizations. Seminar at the University of Sheffield, Institute of Work Psychology, United Kingdom.

  • Madrid, H. P. (2023). Leadership and affective well-being in teams. Keynote speaking at Universidad Concepción, Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences, Chile.

  • Madrid, H. P. (2022). Leader affective presence. Seminar at the University of Manchester, Alliance Business School, United Kingdom.

  • Madrid, H. P. (2022). Leader affective presence. Seminar at the University of Sheffield, Institute of Work Psychology, United Kingdom.

  • Madrid, H. P. (2022). Leader interpersonal affect regulation. Seminar at Universidad de Talca, Escuela de Psicología, Chile.

  • Madrid, H. P. (2021). Leader affective presence in teams. Seminar at Universidad de los Andes, Business School, Chile.


  • Presidente fundador de la Sociedad Científica Chilena de Psicología y Comportamiento Organizacional (SOCIPCO).


  • Integrante del comité editorial para:

  • Journal of Organizational Behavior

  • European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

  • Journal of Business and Psychology


  • 2022:       Best paper award, Thirteenth International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life (‘Emonet XIII’). June 27th-28th, Lancaster,                        United Kingdom.

  • 2018:       Best paper award, Eleventh International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life (‘Emonet XI’). October 8th–9th, Chicago,                            United States.

  • 2018:       Best lecturer award, Master in Human Resource Management, School of Management, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

  • 2017:       Best lecturer award, Master in Innovation, School of Management, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

  • 2017:       Best lecturer award, Master in Human Resource Management, School of Management, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

  • 2012:       Best paper, 3rd Biennial Institute of Work Psychology Conference on Work, Well-being & Performance. June 26th–28th, Sheffield, United                    Kingdom. Award sponsored by Emerald Group Publishing.

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